Marketing Report
exceet Card Group and Berlin-based ecolytiq announce partnership to drive conscious consumerism

exceet Card Group and Berlin-based ecolytiq announce partnership to drive conscious consumerism

A new strategic partnership was announced between exceet Card Group, manufacturer of sustainable payment cards (e.g. made out of wood), and Berlin-based ecolytiq, the climate engagement fintech for sustainable banking. The partnership paves the way for the launch of joint projects and will give exceet Card Group and ecolytiq the chance to explore new options and opportunities to lead the future of sustainable payments.

To shift consumer behaviour towards more sustainable spending, the ecolytiq Sustainability-as-a-Service software, which calculates personal environmental impact, such as CO2 values on the basis of payment transactions, will work in conjunction with exceet Card Group and their sustainable payment cards to enlighten consumers on how their spending is impacting the environment. Especially the wooden card is a tangible reminder of the good they are doing and is one step further to enticing consumers to switch to a new way of banking and spending. With each swipe of a card, consumers can decide the kind of customer they want to be.

David Lais, co-founder and CPO, ecolytiq: ''This partnership fills an important gap in the market. We are laying the groundwork for projects that will combine the best of innovative card services and green banking and make way for new products. And with exceet Card Group as our partner, we couldn’t be more excited.''

exceet Card Group is one of the leading manufacturers of cards for banking, transportation, access and loyalty, their wooden card notably being used by almost every newcomer in sustainable fintech. Other than the wooden card, exceet Card Group also offers cards made from rPETG (recycled PETG). Now looking to branch out into new partnerships, exceet Card Group is planning on launching joint projects with emphasis on the supply chain: banks have the accounts – consumers use the cards to pay – and the ecolytiq software enables a new level of transparency via carbon footprinting. This allows the impact of individual purchases to be measured and will drive conscious consumption.

Uli Reutner, CEO, exceet Card Group: ''We are extremely delighted with this partnership as it will allow us to offer comprehensive solutions for the improvement of almost everybody´s CO2 footprint in almost any living conditions as payments are an integral part of our daily lives.''



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